Convert variable font TTF to WOFF2
Drag and drop .TTF
files here
If you have a variable font with TTF
format on your computer and want to use it on your site, you must convert the file to WOFF2
format font file is recommended by to use for websites, and the format has better compression with an average over 30% reduction in file size, making your site faster and lightweight.
The best way to convert the font file from TTF
to WOFF2
format is by using Google’s tool available at
Setuping the google/woff2
tool may be complicated for you, but no worries, we have set up the tool on our server, and you only need to upload it from the above upload form, and your WOFF2
file is ready to download.
One-click Google Fonts self-host
Section titled One-click Google Fonts self-hostIf you want to self-host the Google Fonts on your WordPress site and download the file from the Google Fonts site, you will find out that the downloaded font file format is TTF
. Convert the file to WOFF2
by using the upload form above. Some of you may find this workflow cumbersome to self-host Google Fonts.
Fortunately, we have built the Yabe Webfont plugin, a WordPress plugin with a one-click Google Fonts import feature that allows you to self-host the files in seconds.
It offers multiple font file formats that can be chosen: WOFF2
, and TTF
It has first-class visual builder integration for the most popular visual builders and themes, including Elementor, Oxygen, Bricks, and even Gutenberg.