
Breakdance is the ultimate website builder plugin for WordPress that makes it easy to create incredible websites with 130+ built-in elements, a modern UI and workflow, mega menu builder, form builder, a deep WooCommerce integration, dynamic data, and much more.

Yabe Webfont is the pioneer of 3rd-party solutions for custom fonts and self-hosting Google Fonts in the Breakdance.

How to use custom fonts in the Breakdance

Section titled How to use custom fonts in the Breakdance

You can use any Custom Font, embedding Adobe Fonts or self-hosting Google Fonts in the Breakdance easily.

Step 1: Choose the text element

Section titled Step 1: Choose the text element

Choose the text element by clicking on the canvas or the Structure panel.

Step 2: Switch to the Style tab

Section titled Step 2: Switch to the Style tab

On the Element panel, click on the icon to switch to the Style tab.

Step 3: Open the Typography panel

Section titled Step 3: Open the Typography panel

Click the Typography menu to expand the panel.

Click the Font family dropdown field to open the font list.

Disable the Google Fonts in Breakdance

Section titled Disable the Google Fonts in Breakdance

Breakdance uses the Google Fonts Web API to provide users with the Google Fonts collection. To be GDPR compliant, you must disable the Google Fonts in Breakdance.

Yabe Webfont forcibly programmatically disables the Google Fonts in Breakdance, so you don’t need to do anything.